Thursday 17 May 2018

Supertramp - Indelibly Stamped (1971)

The second album from this British band.

Supertramp was a quintet on this album with a lineup of guitars, bass, drums, harmonica, keyboards, sax, flute, organ, accordion, percussion, piano and vocals.

Their debut album was an acceptable album. You can read my review somewhere else in this blog. I am planning to review their other albums this summer so keep an eye out for them/you can read my reviews of the rest of their albums somewhere else in this blog.

Indelibly Stamped is regarded as the wildcard album in their disco. It is not much loved.

The band went for Americana and raunchy rock on this album. There is some blues and country'n'western on this album.

Their trademark music, pomp pop and rock, is mostly missing on this album. It is hard to believe that this is a Supertramp album. But it is. 

This album is bereft of any good songs. They are just running through the motions here. The only decent song here is Rosie Had Everything Planned. The rest of the songs are rubbish and not worthy their good name. That song is the only thing between this album and they turkey yard. Avoid this album.

1.5 points

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