Saturday 6 June 2020

Quintessence - Self (1972)

The fourth album from this UK band.

The band was a sextet with a lineup of bass, flute, guitars, drums, percussion and vocals.
The band had help from a piano player.

The band is a follower of the Indian religions like hare krishna and that was very obvious on the first three albums. Some of them were overly preaching and with a lot of hare krishna chanting.

Overly religious music, Christian or hare krishna is a bore no matter which religion they preaches. It is the kind of music I cannot stand.

The band has toned down the religion stuff here, although it is still here, and gone for music instead. Which sounds like a good plan to me.

The music here is a mix if what Jefferson Airplane did on their first albums, folk rock and psych rock.  

The music is mostly melodic and dynamic. The album dies a slow and painful death at the final five minutes of this twenty-five minutes long album.

That is a great shame. That and the very short album which still has some religious overtones. Besides of that, this is a good album with some great guitars.

2.5 points


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