Tuesday, 13 July 2021

Beardfish - The Void (2012)

The seventh album from this Swedish band.

The band was a quartet on this album with a lineup of percussion, drums, bass, guitars, keyboards and vocals.

I was really impressed by their previous album Mammoth and was looking forward to this album.

This sixty-six minutes long album starts out with a lot of progressive metal with some growl vocals too. 

The album gets back to a more safe Swedish progressive rock area after that. But the progressive metal is comes back on this album on an irregular basis throughout the album.

The music is pretty quirky too and there is some folk rock influences here. Yes, this is a Swedish progressive rock album.

The quality is good throughout. It is still a bit of a backwards step from Mammoth. 

Nevertheless, this album is well worth checking out from one of the more interesting bands in the progressive rock scene.

3 points


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