Saturday, 4 August 2018

Gazpacho - Soyuz (2018)

The tenth album from this Norwegian band.

The band is now a sextet with a lineup of percussion, drums, violin, mandolin, bass, guitars, keyboards and vocals.

This Norwegian band with the Spanish name has been the front figure in the Norwegian progressive rock scene for the last ten years or so. Their album has never really been brilliant. But they have been great and the band is the best band in the Norwegian scene and that by quite margin.

They are prophets abroad but unknown in Norway. This album will not change their status.

Soyuz gives us Marillion like neo-prog with a lot of post-rock influences and melancholic music.

The music here is really melancholic and somber. But that is Gazpacho for you.

The music is not immediate great. It require time and space from the listener. It really grows on the listener in each listening session.

The result is fifty minutes of epic, melancholic music. Fifty minutes of great music too. This album is among their best albums and that says a lot. Check out this album and all their previous nine albums.

4 points

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