Saturday, 21 December 2019

RPWL - Tales From Outer Space (2019)

The seventh album from this German band.

The band is a quartet with a lineup of guitars, keyboards, drums, bass and vocals.
They had help from some guest musicians who provided bass, drums, guitars, percussion and vocals.

RPWL is one of the biggest and most respected neo-prog bands from mainland Europe. Their first six albums cemented this position.

Some of the members are also having solo-careers and other projects. As a musical collective, they are very productive.

Nevertheless, I wish they had also given us more RPWL albums.

Their brand of neo-prog is pretty spacey and psych at times. A good reference is Pink Floyd and the band has never really moved away from this association. And why should they ?

Their brand of neo-prog is highly effective, melodic and full of good details.

The only gripe I got with this album is a missing great track or two. Besides of that, this is very much an enjoyable album.

It is indeed a very good album from a band who never fails to give me enjoyable music.

3.5 points

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