Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Lucifer Was - DiesGrows (2014)

The sixth album from this Norwegian band.

The band was a sextet on this album with a lineup of drums, percussion, bass, guitars, piano, organ, mellotron and vocals.

Two guest musicians adds flutes.

After the rather uninteresting 2010 concept album with Kristiandsand Symphony Orchestra (The Crown Of Creation), Lucifer Was returns back to their rightful home again. 

Musical home, that is.

That means heavy prog somewhere between Black Sabbath and Jethro Tull.

This time, they have sailed up to the shores of Black Sabbath and got themselves a pretty stoned out sound and soundscape as a result.

A lot of the music is pretty much stoner rock, indeed.

The Jethro Tull is always there and gives the band their identity (when not wandering off with a symphony orchestra).

The vocals are very good and the music is good. The sound too is very good.

This is indeed a good album and one of the more forgotten gems in the Norwegian rock scene. 

Check it out.

3 points




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