Sunday, 20 June 2021

Moonrise - Stopover Life (2012)


The third album from this band from Poland.

The band is a quintet on this album with a lineup of drums, percussion, bass, guitars, saxophone and vocals.

Moonrise is back again with their third album after their very good first two albums. 

My expectations to this album were high in other words.

A lot of more softer Pink Floyd like rock has been introduced here and the music is much more ambient and pastoral than before. There are still some neo-prog here.

The music is more mood based than based on technical details and skills. The music is really laid back.

It is also based on some very good vocals and guitar solos. 

The quality is really good throughout this album and this album does not change my views on this band. It is one of the better prog bands from Poland. Put Moonrise among the three best prog bands from Poland.

Check out this album and find out why.

3 points

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