Friday, 8 November 2019

Chayan - Forgotten Dreams Of An Unbeliever (2019)

The debut album from this British band.

The band is a quartet with a lineup of drums, guitars, bass, percussion, keyboards and vocals.

This is a new band from the north-west coast of England. Lancashire, to be more precises. Four middle-aged men and women decides to go progressive rock.

The vocals are female.

The music is a mix of progressive metal, neo-prog and folk-rock.

The album is seventy minutes long.

The vocals are good and the highlight here. The rest of the band does a good job here.

My main gripe and it is a major one is that the music is soooo safe. It is so mainstream and it does have all the right things.... with the exception of moments of surprise, good details and good songs.

This is by no means a bad album. It is just an album who are suffering from the lack of good songs and excitement.

I am sorry, but that is how I see it. Hence....

2 points

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