Friday, 3 April 2020

Led Zeppelin - In Through The Out Door (1979)

The eight and final album from the greatest rock band the world has ever seen.

The band was a quartet of Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones, John Bonham and Robert Plant. The lineup was guitars, bass, drums, piano, synths, mandolin and vocals.

Led Zeppelin was a band who had a ten years long lifespan. Their first six albums was between superb and brilliant. Indeed, some of the best record albums this planet has ever seen and heard.
Their live albums are all great and proves that this is perhaps the best live band the world has ever seen too. The band still get new fans and that is highly deserved.

Their previous album Presence was a good album and we are now at this, their final album.

Hard rock has been dropped. Instead, we get some.... yes, what do we get ?

The music here is hard to describe. It goes from sloppy psych pop to progressive rock and some bluesy rock songs.

The band is there and does their normal job.... ie being the best band on the planet. But the songs are well, well below par and it hard to find something good about this album.

I get the feeling that Led Zeppelin ran out of steam. The signs was on Presence and there was no steam left on In Through The Out Door.

This is a Led Zeppelin album I will not play a lot. It is better to stick to their first five albums.

2 points

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