Friday, 10 May 2019

Eris Pluvia - Tales from Another Time (2019)

The fourth album from this Italian band.

The band was a quartet on this album with a lineup of flute, keyboards, guitars, bass, drums, programming and male vocals.
A female vocalist contributed too on this album.

I have had the pleasure of reviewing their previous three albums for # 1 of this blog and has liked them pretty good.

The band is from Italy but their vocals is English. Their music is progressive rock, but that does not mean their music is RPI.... well, a big part of it.

There is a lot of RPI (Rock Progressive Italano) on this album. More than usual from this band. That has added a lot of value to their brand of progressive rock...... neo-prog.

The band's platform is neo-prog with some art-rock inbetween. And now RPI too.

There is a lot of old RPI meets new neo-prog on this one hour long album.

And this mix and the music works well. There is no real very good or great pieces of music here. Nevertheless, this is a good album and one fans of both neo-prog and RPI should check out.

3 points

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