The debut album from this Spanish artist.
I am not sure about the name of this artist. But I use this as a band name until I am corrected...
The lineup is this guy doing the guitars, organ, keyboards, bass, drums and all vocals.
This album was released through Bandcamp and the link is here.
The cover art-work tells me nothing so I did not have much confidence in this album at all.... before the speakers in my office sprung into life.
The music on this fifty minutes long album is what we label hard progressive rock. Not so much heavy, but more hard and lively.
The organ and vocals gives us 1970s vibes. A bit Rush is also very much here. The guitars are a mix of prog and hard rock. There is even some pieces of djent here.
This is a hard prog album with a the 2010's sound.
The music is good throughout this album and it is indeed very strange that so few people has picked up this album as it can be classified as a hidden gem. Some more promotion from the artist and this album will get more followers from around the globe.
3 points
"Juan X - Dancing in Freefall, The Anatomy of Balance" per the illustration on their band camp page.