Friday, 22 February 2019

Protomythos - Heavy Crowns (2019)

The second album from this band from Israel.

The band is a duo with a lineup of effects, keyboards, bass, drums, guitars, piano and vocals.

The band's 2013 debut album In Human Sight got a good reception in # 1 of this blog and in other blogs. But nothing was heard again from this band... before now.

The band gives us a pretty heavy take on progressive rock. Take Porcupine Tree and mix that with some neo-prog and 1970s hard prog like Rush.

Dysthopia is musical theme here and some of the music is both dark and dissonant.

The music is melodic throughout though. Sometimes harsh, but still melodic.

The vocals is really good and this album has some really good melodies.

This album does not really have this x-factor who would elevate this one hour long album to become something more than merely a good album.

Nevertheless, check it out.

3 points

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