Tuesday, 14 January 2020

Jade Warrior - Jade Warrior (1971)

The debut album from this British band.

The band was a trio with a lineup of flute, percussion, bass, guitars and vocals.

I have always wanted to explore this band, but have not had the chance before I started to listen to this album one week ago. I intend to review most of their albums this winter and spring.

Their music being totally new to me, even I did not expect what the speakers told me. And it took some more listening sessions than usual before I got my bearings enough to write this review.

The music is very much minimalistic. It has a tribal flute and drumming/percussion element who dominates large parts of this album.

There are some guitars and vocals too and they too take up a large chunk of this album. 

I cannot remember I have ever heard anything like this before and I have been told it is not typical for this band..... after their first three albums.

I still like what I hear. There is some decent to good song on this album. The vocals are really good and the guitars distorted and in contrast to the tribal elements.

The result is a decent to good album and a band I regard as a very welcome addition to my blog and universe. This is what my blog and intellectual curiosity is all about.

2.5 points

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