Sunday, 14 July 2019

Khadavra - Hypnagogia (2019)

The second album from this Swedish band.

The band was a quartet with a lineup of mellotron, marimba, percussion, drums, didgeridoo, sitar, guitar, bass, French horn, church organ, keyboards, piano and vocals. Swedish vocals, I believe.

This name is new to me as I did not purchase or have even heard about their 2014 debut album.

Which is a bit of a shame.......

Khadavra is clearly a Swedish band as they have incorporated a lot of Swedish folk music and Swedish symphonic prog into their music.... which is psych/space rock..

The band's music is slightly spaced out and psychedelic. The mellotron reminds me a lot about Anglagard and that Anglagard feeling never really leaves this album.

I cannot remember I have ever heard a crossover between Swedish prog and psych/space rock before. So here is Khadavra breaking new ground on this fifty odd minutes long album.

The mellotrons and the church organs also gives this album an ethereal feeling at times. An album mostly instrumental.

There are some very good stuff here and not so good stuff here. I still think this album is one of the better I have encountered lately and it has a lot of style and soul.

Check out this very good album.

3.5 points

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