Tuesday 5 January 2021

Magnesis - Alice au Pays des Délires (2019)

The tenth album from this French band.

The band is a quintet with a lineup of drums, bass, guitars, keyboards and French vocals.

I have followed this band with great interest since I started out reviewing prog rock. I got their albums, but missed out on their last two albums after a stressful last year. Yes, the dreaded 2020.

I got this album for review now and their 2020 album for review later this month.

Magnesis is a band with strong influences from Ange and the 1970s French symphonic prog scene. But the band is still something pretty original. If not mistaken, they are from a part of the France with a strong self-contained identity and music scene.

This album is a double CD. The first CD has a lot of very good French symphonic prog which reminds the listener how good this band is. The music is epic with a lot of great vocals. It is also pretty pastoral and the French vocals really brings the best out of the music.

The second CD, a forty-two minutes long concept piece of music, has it's moments. It is not as good as CD 1 and falls a bit flat on it's face at times.

The overall quality is therefore good and just that. 

I am still an admirer of this band.

3 points

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