Wednesday, 1 January 2020

Habelard2 - Il Dado È Tratto (2019)

The sixth album from this Italian one-man band.

Habelard2 = Sergio Caleca who does all the keyboards, synths, programming, bass and guitars on this album.

His seven albums has been a bit of a mixed bag. From the turkeys to the pretty good ones.

His genre is is a difficult one, though.

It is pretty easy to be a one-man band if you are a very good musician. And Sergio Caleca is that. He is no doubt an excellent musician.

To make music which reaches out and resonates with other human beings is a very difficult thing though as the ideas and pieces of music has not been bouncing around other team members before being released. Great bands deliver great music because the bad ideas who the song writer thought was great has been discarded along the way before hitting the studio. There is also great songs, actually some of our best ever songs, out there who has been discarded by the song writer before over turned by the band before recorded and then become massive hits.

Sergio Caleca does not have this sounding board.

It is therefore very good that this album has become as good as this.

Take a lot of from Camel and Goblin. Merge them and you get this album. An album with a good mellotron and guitar sound.

This almost one hour long album is therefore a pleasing experience and weighs up for the not so cool experiences with his album. Sergio Caleca has my best wishes and thumbs up.

3 points

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