Monday, 22 June 2020

Venetian Power - The Arid Land (1971)

The one and only album from this Italian band.

This project included fifteen musicians who provided organ, bass, drums, timpani, guitars, cymbal, triangle, vibraphone, flute, celesta, piano and vocals.

I know absolute nothing about Venetian Power and this album. The album has been kicking around in my inbox for the last thirteen years and it is about time to review it.

I guess this album is some sort of a concept album or some sort of a religious album.

There is a lot of vocals here. Both male and female vocals. The vocals is in the preacher style.
The lyrics are both in Italian and English though. But the Italian accent is so heavy that it is impossible to get some sanity from the lyrics.

Yes, this is a very obscure album.

There are some guitars here in addition to the vocals and this album is thirty-six minutes long.

I am struggling to find anything nice to say about this album... and is failing. There is nothing good about this album.

This album is a turkey and that is that.

1 point

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