Sunday, 14 October 2018

Shem - The Hill AC (2018)

The debut album from this German band.

Shem is a quintet with a lineup of clarinet, drums, percussion, synths, guitars, bass and vocals.

This is a new name and band to me. Their album has been released as a Name Your Price album at Bandcamp (see link above) and that has earned my attention in these hard times.

And I would not mind paying full price for this album either.....

Their music is space rock in the vein of Electric Orange. They sounds like that band.

Space rock.... or in this case; krautrock. Let's label it krautrock.

We get one hour of krautrock here with strong guitars and some hypnotic rhythms. Mostly carried out by bass which is pulsating really hard here.

There is some variations in their music and some cleverness. But not enough for my liking as I much prefer Electric Orange. Shem is not on their level....... yet. But they may grow into becoming a great krautrock band.

There are something good with this album and I have taken a mental note of their name.

This is a decent to good album which should be checked out.

2.5 points

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