Sunday, 26 May 2019

Tillian - Lotus Graveyard (2019)

The debut album from this band from Israel.

The band is a sextet with a lineup of cello, guitars, keyboards, drums, bass and female vocals.

It is nice to see that Israel has a growing amount of progressive rock bands. It is very nice to see the growth of progressive rock.

Tillian is not purely a progressive rock band. They are a progressive metal band with a lot of neo-prog influences.

And they are lead by a female vocalist and her vocals.

Their sound and music is very commercial with nice guitar hooks and riffs. There is also a lot of keyboards here. On the top of this, the female vocals dominates.

The cello adds another dimension to their music and a very good one.

All of this is very well done and the vocals is very good. What is missing is a couple of killer tracks or even some great tracks.

The music nice and good enough. And being a debut album, this is an acceptable debut album. I am not entirely won over, though.

But this is still a moderate good album.

3 points

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