Saturday 1 December 2018

Syndone - Mysoginia (2018)

The seventh album from this Italian band.

Syndone is a sextet on this album with a lineup of bass, drums, guitars, clavinet, piano, electric piano, moog, percussion, vibraphone, xilophone, Hammond organ, vocoder and Italian vocals.
A guest musician helps out on flute and a choir and symphony orchestra also helps out.

I have reviewed some of their earlier albums for ProgArchives and #1 of this blog. I know this band.

Syndone does a very soulful take on Rock Progressive Italiano... RPI.

That also goes for this album. It is symphonic but also very pastoral and does not really threatens to give us any fast music. The music is pretty slow throughout.

There are both female and male vocals here. There is a lot of tangents of various forms here. From piano to moog.

This forty-five minutes long album also has a couple of straight rock tunes which is not that good. I prefer, much prefer their take on RPI and the Italian language.

The quality is barely good, but it is still a good album. Check it out as this is a band worth following.

3 points

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