Sunday, 25 August 2019

Oregon - Our First Record (1980)

The tenth album from this US band.

The band was a quartet with a lineup of piano, mellophone, guitars, English horn, oboe, tabla, sitar, double bass, sitar, esraj and percussion.

Oregon is a jazz band who are still touring from what I understand. It is one of the more popular of the eclectic jazz bands around too.

Their music is not easy-listening music. Something this album proves.

Oregon gives us fifty minutes of tabla and sitar driven jazz. Or is it... ?

Raga-rock. That is what springs to mind here. Raga-rock.

The music is very India and Pakistan influenced. It is very much their music and only their music this band gives us on this album.

The quality is decent enough. It is also good at times. But the music is pretty narrow in it's expression and scope. Hence my reservations...

2.5 points

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