Sunday, 30 June 2019

Collage - Moonshine (1994)

The third album from this Polish band.

The band was a quintet on this album with a lineup of accordion, mandolin, percussion, keyboards, guitars, bass and vocals.

After the release of the hideous bad John Lennon covers album, Collage returned back to self-written material and the neo-prog scene.

That is what they did on their debut album and that was a very good album. So Moonshine continue down the same path as their Basnie debut album.

We get more than an hour worth of neo-prog on this album.

That is neo-prog with a lot of symphonic prog and some folk rock influences. The music is pretty melancholic. This turns out to be what we later label the Polish neo-prog sound and scene.

The music is elegant and a bit bombastic. There are some prog metal influences here.... actually, a lot of it.

The music is also good. I am not happy about the prog metal influences here which sounds a bit too cheap. Nevertheless, this is a good album.

3 points

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