Monday, 10 September 2018

Izz - The Darkened Room (2009)

The fifth album from this IS band.

The band is a sextet with a lineup of bass, drums, keyboards, guitars, percussion and vocals. Both male and female vocals.

This is a band I have really wanted to like for a long time. So I gave their albums a listen and the reviews can be found somewhere else in this blog.

Izz is an US group whose music is somewhere between neo-prog and symphonic prog.

The music on this album is very, very complex. Almost impenetrable complex.

The music is really difficult to read and get something out of even after many, many listening sessions.

There is a lot of keyboards, guitars and both male and female vocals here who drives this album in and out of mazes and dead end streets. 

That is sometimes a mark of quality. In this case, I get the feeling that the band has gotten lost somewhere on this fifty minutes long album.

The end result is an album I would love to like and to rate as a good album. But it falls a bit too short for that. Hence my rating.

2.5 points

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