Tuesday 19 June 2018

Satchitananda - A Thought Away (1978)

The one and only album from this US band.

This band was a quartet with a lineup of soprano saxophone, flute, flugelhorn, electric piano, synths, grand piano, drums, bass and vocals.

This band with the impossible name to pronounce was a fusion band with some funk, pop and jazz leanings.

The music on this thirty-five minutes long album is a bit of everything. From some saxophone solos to some really good electric piano and grand piano solos.

There are even some vocals here which goes more in a pop direction. But not the whole way.

The music is not particular intense. It has a mid-tempo jazz feel. It is also funky with a good feel.

There are also some musical feel in their music.

The music feels focused. But it lacks a great deal of quality. It is still a pretty good album with a lot going for it. Hence my rating of this album. An album well worth checking out.

2.5 points

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