Thursday, 28 February 2019

Stazione Delle Frequenze. La - Physis (2019)

The debut album from this Italian band.

The band is a sextet with a lineup of bass, drums, keyboards, guitars and Italian vocals.

I know next to nothing about this band. But with a front cover featuring the second highest/the most beautiful mountain in the world K2, they have got my attention.

This album starts out as a prog metal album before it mellows a lot after a while.

The emphasis is on a mix of Italian neo-prog and progressive metal.

The more neo-prog here is pretty melodic and has some references to the RPI scene in the 1970s.

The album is almost one hour long and it has a lot of old cliches and tricks. It is a pretty generic album. The vocals is really good though and the band is doing their best here in the landscape between Italian neo-prog and prog metal.

I am not entirely won over. Nevertheless, this is an album somewhere between decent and good. It is a good debut though and only the future will tell us if it leads to more albums.

2.5 points

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