Friday 25 December 2020

Zuffanti. Fabio - Ghiaccio (2010)

The third solo album from this Italian artist.

Fabio Zuffanti does all instruments and vocals here himself. That means guitars, bass, keyboards and computers.

Fabio Zuffanti is a legend in the Italian Progressive Rock scene. As much of a legend as Steven Wilson and Roine Stolt is legends. 

During his remarkable short life, he has been involved as musician, mentor and publisher in a lot of the new bands in the RPI scene. 

I am not fans of his first two albums Merlin and Fabio Zuffanti. The first one was a rock opera which did not hit the right notes and the latter one was a more electronica album.

Fabio Zuffanti returns with an album where the music is somewhere between electronica pop and electronica rock.

There is some hints of RPI here and the Italian vocals is very good. 

There is a lot of moods, shades and lights on this album and the music on this one hour long album is actually pretty good.

This album is still not exactly good. But it has some good pieces of music and is his best solo album so far. 

2.5 points




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