Friday, 23 October 2020

Pharaoh Overlord - Zero (2018)

The ninth album from this band from Finland.

The band is a quintet with a lineup of bass, drums, synths, guitars and vocals.

The band was a side-project of the more famous Circle from the same country. I still think they are a side project of Circle.

What we get is raw cosmic space rock.

There is a lot of guitars here and a raw, death metal like vocalist. Which really suits the music.

The space rock is also very groovy with some disco influences. Yes, disco influences.

Some of the space rock is really fast and some is not so fast. 

There is a lot of melodic sensitivities in the music too and the band knows what a good melodic theme is and how to develop it into a good piece of music.

This band is well worth having a look into and I am pretty impressed by them. I may have to get the rest of their albums and a lot more Circle albums.

3 points

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