Saturday, 29 February 2020

Overworld Dreams - Gateway (2020)

The second album from this US band.

The band is a quintet with a lineup of guitars, bass, drums, keyboards and vocals.

I really liked their 2018 debut album Voyage and you can find my review of that album somewhere else in this blog.

The band continues down the road they started out on with Voyage.

That means US neo-prog.

The music is very lively and uptempo throughout most of this album. That does not means metal. The music is more epic neo-prog than progressive metal.

There is a lot of Rush influences in their music, indeed.

The vocals are good and there is a lot of interesting details in their music.

The last ten minutes of this album is taken over by some ambient music. I am not sure what the point of these ten minutes are. These ten minutes are rather good and is not a waste of time.

This is another good album from this band and I hope to hear more from them in the future.

3 points

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