Tuesday 9 June 2020

Plesiosaurio - El Cuento de Las Manos Heladas (2015)

The debut album from this band from Argentina.

The band was a quartet with a lineup of transverse flute, percussion, drums, keyboards, bass, guitars and Spanish vocals.

I have never heard about this band before I got this album in my inbox. But I know the Argentine prog rock scene a lot and I have massive respect for that scene. Everything from Argentina is well worth checking out.

The band has only released this studio album (and two live albums). But I think the band is still active. Hopefully, that means a new album.

This album is long... seventy-four minutes long. It has got two long twenty minutes plus long opuses.
The music is very much based on the rather good vocals. Spanish vocals. And besides of that, it is slightly difficult to describe their music.

OK, take some pastoral folk rock, add a lot of symphonic prog and some Italian symphonic prog. That is where we get this album.

There is some good melody pieces scattered around this album. Unfortunate, not many enough. This album is therefore somewhere between decent and good.

It is still an album well worth checking out, though.

2.5 points

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