Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Light Damage - Light Damage (2014)

The debut album from this band from Luxembourg.

The band is a quintet with a lineup of drums, guitars, keyboards, bass, e bow, tubular bells, percussion and vocals.

From what I remember, I have only reviewed one other prog band from this small country which sits landlocked between France, Germany and Belgium.

Light Damage has released two albums though and is a very welcome inclusion in this blog. Both albums, indeed.

We are in what is called modern progressive rock land. That really means modern neo-prog. Or neo-neo-prog if you want.

Take a big bit of Gazpacho, Sylvan, IQ and Marillion. That is when you end up with this band.

The music starts with some progressive metal before the music becomes much more majestic and melodic. The progressive metal aspect is there throughout. But there is not so much of it.

The music sounds modern and there are some really good vocals here.

The music is at times very good. Most of it is actually very good and I get the feeling I have again found a hidden gem. Not a big gemstone, but still a hidden gem.

This is indeed a very good album and one to really enjoy.

3.5 points


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