Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Stray - Suicide (1971)

The second album from this British band.

The band was a trio with a lineup of drums, percussion, bass, guitars, mellotron, harpsichord, electric piano, organ and vocals.

Their debut album was decent album and I was looking forward to reviewing this album too.

Stray was a band who were managed very badly and that mean they did not get the breakthrough and success they deserved. The band was actually managed by two mobsters with no clue about band management. Both of their managers are now dead and their albums has been re-released.

Hopefully, the band will get a bit of recognition this time around.

The music is hard rock with some progressive rock elements. There is also some good blues and psych elements here. Their 1960s beat roots is also very much present here.

Where Led Zeppelin borrowed and/or wrote some great tracks, Stray just kept on rocking without coming up with the same type of outstanding, groundbreaking music.

The songs are straight forward hard rock and that even goes for the more proggy pastoral pieces of music on this album.

This is a decent enough album and fans of hard rock will really like this album. The band has a lot of talent but did not release it on this album.

2 points

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