Sunday 26 July 2020

Magister Dixit - Cellule de Crise (2006)

The second album from this French band.

The band is a sextet with a lineup of drums, bass, guitars, violin, piano and vocals.

This is another new zeuhl band. There is not many zeuhl bands around and I cherish every new bands and albums.

I have not to this date managed to get hold of their debut album. I am working on the case, though.

Cellule De Crise is an half an hour long album and it is very much in the Magma tradition.

You get a mix of male and female vocals here. The vocals is hypnotic and works as a choir. There is a lot of melody from the piano, guitars and violin in addition to the vocals.

Their take on zeuhl is not very brutal. It is a pretty much in the middle of the road where some beauty is also present.

The music is a bit too close to Magma to really make a big impression. A bit more originality and identity would have been nice. Then again, the violin sets the band apart... so they have some originality after all.

A bit longer album would have been nice too. Nevertheless, this is a good album and well worth checking out.

3 points

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