Monday, 23 July 2018

Supertramp - Breakfast In America (1979)

The sixth album from this UK band.

Supertramp was a quartet with a lineup of drums, percussion, saxophone, woodwinds, bass, harmonica, keyboards, guitars and vocals.

The band returned again after a couple of rather great albums. Albums that established this band as one of the great bands from the last part of the 1970s. In my view, a deserved position.

Breakfast In America is one of those iconic albums from the 1970s. It sold many millions of copies and also gave us the Paris live album too. One of the best ever live albums.

The music is again a mix if pomp rock, pop aka The Beatles and progressive rock. There are some rather fluffy, light pieces here like the title track. Light but still a great track. An iconic track, indeed.

There are also some very clever tracks with a lot of very interesting and great details.

This fifty minutes long album is a tour de force in proper 1970s pomp rock. It is an album which is unmissable, no matter musical preferences. It is indeed a great album.

4 points

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