Friday, 3 May 2019

Trama - Prodomi Di Finzioni Sovrapposte (1998)

The debut album from this Italian band.

The band was a quintet with a lineup of keyboards, drums, bass, guitars and female Italian vocals.

Trama released two albums before they gave up the ghost.

The band is from Italy and played neo-prog. Despite of being an Italian band, there is not many similarities with Rock Progressive Italiano (RPI) on this album.

The band is pretty close to the British neo-prog scene. This despite of the Italian female vocals.

There is also pretty much progressive metal and downright heavy metal on this album.

The vocals are OK. The sound is not good.

This fifty minutes long album has some half-decent songs. Most of this album is pretty dire though and this album is sailing pretty close to being a turkey.


1.5 points

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