Tuesday, 19 January 2021

Leoni. I - La Foresta (1971)

The one and only album from this Italian band.

The band was a trio with a lineup of drums, bass, guitars, keyboards and vocals.

This album is quite an interesting visit into a more forgotten part of the RPI scene. Yes, that is Rock Progressive Italiano.

The music on this half an hour long album, the only sign of life from this band, is a mix of occult rock, beat and Italian pop music.

There is also a lot of ELP in their music and the album is touching symphonic prog during most of the half an hour. Though with the influences mentioned above.

The music is very harsh at times. There is a lot of aggression here.

The quality is somewhere between decent and good too. 

It is still a bit of a gem as it is a rare album and therefore well worth checking out.

2.5 points





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