Tuesday, 1 January 2019

Black Oak Arkansas - Black Oak Arkansas (1971)

The debut album from this US band.

The band was a sextet with a lineup of bass, drums, washboard, organ, banjo, piano, steel guitar, guitars and vocals.

I have got seven of their albums after a lifelong curiosity about them. So I decided to get their albums a couple of years ago.

This blog is also about reviewing 1970s southern rock albums too so I decided to review their albums this winter.

Their albums sold reasonably well and they were a very popular live band. They were just a notch below the likes of Allman Brothers and Lynyrd Skynyrd in the southern rock pecking order.

The music is southern rock with some blues and country. There is a lot of wildness in their music and some hard rock.

The music is not as hard as I thought though. But their music has an edge.

I am not very impressed by this album and I do not think this band will become a band I will rate highly. This album is a decent album though.

2 points

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