Friday, 23 August 2019

Ada Le Fol - Les Années D'Errance (1980)

The one and only album from this French band.

The band was a quintet with a lineup of guitars, harmonica, bass, percussion, keyboards, drums and French vocals.

I know absolute nothing about this band. This album showed up in my to-do review list and reviewed it will be.

..... Which is easier said than done.....

What hits the listener first is this manic French vocals. Vocals which is a mix of shouting and singing. I do not speak French so everything here is lost on me.

The music is a mix of pop, vaudeville, French symph prog and avant-garde rock.

These forty minutes is very varied and feels like a lunatic asylum for those of us not speaking French. The music is that esoteric.

The quality is not good at all and it is struggling to get up to decent. A couple of songs are decent....

.... But do not bother about finding this album somewhere. It is close to being a turkey.

1.5 points

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