Monday, 29 June 2020

Viaggi di Madeleine. I - I Viaggi Di Madeleine (2019)

The debut album from this Italian band.

The band is a quartet with a lineup of drums, bass, guitars, synths, narration and vocals.

This name is totally new to me. I picked up the album from somewhere I have forgotten and put it on my to-be-reviewed list for this blog.

The music on this album is very much on the heavier end of the Rock Progressive Italiano scene. Parts of this scene is very heavy and indeed occult.

There is plenty of PFM.... and Black Sabbath influences here.

The Italian vocals and sound gives the music an RPI feel and it is indeed RPI what we get here. The music is not as lush as we could expect from an RPI album.

The heavy metal influences are pretty strong on this album and it has got an occult feel.

The vocals are pretty good and there is not much to disagree with on this fifty odd minutes long album. There is enough good songs here to wish for a good, long career for this band.

This is indeed a good album where the strength of the music shines through.

3 points


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