Thursday, 21 May 2020

Caravela Escarlate - Rascunho (2016)

The debut album from this Brazilian band.

The band was a duo with a lineup of guitars, bass, synths, keyboards and organ.

This band has so far released two albums. I reviewed their self-titled 2017 album two years ago and you can read my review here.

That album caused quite a sensation and put the band on the progressive rock map. I hope that also means more albums in the coming years.

That album had vocals and it was full of colours with well crafted songs.

Rascunho is an album with not so well crafted songs. The music is indeed instrumental.

The melody pieces on this album is somewhere between classical music and symphonic prog. They do use a lot of Bach's ideas and compositions here.

The music is mostly performed with acoustic and electric guitars with a lot of synths too. The music is at times very ambient.

The music is not too bad on this half an hour long album. Fans of instrumental symphonic prog should get this album a.s.a.p. I have my reservations but it is still a decent album.

2 points

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