Saturday 7 October 2017

Eider Stellaire - Eider Stellaire III (1987)

The third and final album from this French band.

Eider Stellaire was a trio with a lineup of guitars, bass and drums. They had help from two musicians providing electric piano and keyboards.

Their two first albums has been a mixed bag. You will find my reviews here and here. Two good albums they are.

Eider Stellaire has some Magma connections and is filed under the zeuhl genre in most prog archives. And that label is pretty obvious when listening to this album.

That said, this album is not and out and out zeuhl album in the Magma modus. It has far more in common with Zao and Eskaton. The music is jazz dominated through and through.

There is some cascades of electric piano and keyboards here which backs up some rather disharmonic guitar solos. And that is what we get on this far too short album. An album pushing half an hour.

Short and somewhat sweet is this album. It is also rather good too. The music is not always good. But is well worth checking out if you are into zeuhl.

2.5 points

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