Monday 19 February 2018

Necronomicon - Verwundete Stadt (2017)

The third album from this German band.

The band was a sextet with a lineup of flute, bass, drums, guitars, keyboards and German vocals.

Earlier this month, I reviewed their 1973 debut album Tips Zum Selbstmord and you can read this review here.

That album was a hard hitting krautrock album. I have sadly not had the opportunity to listen to their 2012 comeback album Haifische.

The band has not moved far away from their 1973 semi-classic debut album. The music is still pretty hard. There is still some psych rock here. The music is pretty close to being krautrock.

I would actually claim this is a krautrock album. The Hammond organs and the flutes in some pretty psych'ish rock tunes is krautrock good enough for me.

Yes, the band has moved more towards mainstream rock and is in that area. It is pretty hard and lively. This is music for early night music festivals and early nights parties in your house. It is not particular taxing on the brain and it has a minimum amount of interesting details.

The songs are not particular good on this forty minutes long album either. It is a decent album though with a more mainstream appeal than an album for krautrock fans.

2 points


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