Wednesday 8 November 2017

Odrareg - God's Garden (2005)

The one and only album from this band from Venezuela.

Odrareg was a seven piece big band with a lineup of bass, synths, drums, guitars, keyboards, drums and some vocals.
Four guest musicians provided woodwinds and xtra keyboards and vocals.

This band was the sideproject of Tempano's drummer Gerardo Ubieda who needed a jazz/fusion outlet for his ideas. Musea picked up and released this album. 

The music on this seventy minutes long album is very complex, esoteric jazz/fusion. There are some RIO and zeuhl influences on this album and a lot of John Coltrane influences. You can also add a lot of Present influences too as the music is sometimes very moody and dark.

It has a lot of darkness, this music. But some of the jazz is pretty light too.

The music is very intense and very far from being easy listening. And the music is much more jazz than fusion.

I find this album intriguing. It has a mood and a raw, bleeding nerve which is very interesting. The music is also good throughout although it bordering to being too esoteric even for me. 

Check out this good album if esoteric, eclectic music rocks your boat.

3 points

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