Friday 28 July 2017

Chac Mool - Caricia Digital (1984)

The third album from this Mexican band.

Chac Mool was a quintet on this album with a lineup of keyboards, guitars, flute, drums, bass, percussions and Spanish vocals.

I quite liked their first two albums. See my reviews of them somewhere else in this blog. Those two and this album was the only ones they released in the 1980s before they reformed in 2000 and released one album before they disbanded again.

Their two first albums were somewhere between folk rock and symphonic prog. Unfortunate, the band then made a total 180 degrees turn and came up with Caricia Digital.....

The music on this thirty-four minutes long album, veeeeeeery looooooong thirty-four minutes, is plastic fantastic rock/pop from the 1980s. Terrible sound and gruesome music in the vein of a dumbed down The Police.

I grew up in the 1980s and hated the pop music from that time. This album brings back these memories and those are not good memories.

The quality of this music is abysmal horrible too. This album is flung over the fence to my turkey yard where it can cluck-cluck with the other turkeys in my collection. Avoid this turkey.

1 point

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