Monday, 4 February 2019

Tryo - Orbitas (2016)

The sixth album from this band from Chile.

The band was again a trio with a lineup of bass, drums, marimba, vibraphone, drums, guitars, keyboards, cello and vocals.
They had some help from some other musicians who provided violins, djembe and vocals.

Tryo is a band who has been intriguing and boring me at the same time. Some of the albums has been below par and dull. Others has been quite good.

The band has released metal albums and avant-garde albums. This despite of them being a fusion band.

And then we get this album... Which is a fusion/jazz album. Finally ! I have reviewed their previous five albums and had been expecting an album as this one from the first album. That was not to be.

There are some gypsy jazz here and some pretty melodic fusion in between some really good Latin fusion.

There are a lot of twists and turns on this forty-three minutes long album. Some really enjoyable twists and turns. There is no great stuff here, though.

This is still a good to very good album and I am glad to hear that they are now active again. I will get their new album if they release another new album.

3.5 points

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